Our Gear List

High quality products that we use and recommend every day.

Some of the most frequently asked questions we hear are around what tools we use when we sculpt, print and paint. To make things easy we've made an extensive list for you here to help you cut down on the time it takes to research and find great products. Some items linked here may no longer be for sale, or go by a different brand names in different countries. So where it’s not exactly the product we use, we have linked the closest alternative we could find.

There are plenty of ways to support us and the work we do for the miniature and 3D printing communities. One of the easiest ways, at no extra cost to you, is to purchase any of the items that we use. As anAmazon Associatewe earn a small affiliate commission from qualifying purchases from the links on this page.

3D Printing

Flashforge Creator Pro

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AnyCubic Photon

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.




Paint Brushes


Photography & Recording Gear
